A Closer Look at Cosmic Shells

Countdown Star Wars Cosmic Shells

Following from the announcement yesterday about the launch of Star Wars Cosmic Shells at Countdown supermarkets, the Star Wars elves have been out and about setting up bus stop advertising posters, in-store displays and product stands. Video advertising has been published online, and avid collectors are already keenly heading to their local Countdown branch to kick off their collection.

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It’s been an energetic and comprehensive promotion – but it has to be said that the ambiguous Cosmic Shells name doesn’t really describe the product, and the campaign hasn’t really clearly spelled out what the purpose of the collectibles are, other than seeking to assemble a full set. In short, Cosmic Shells are collectible game pieces that need to be combined with the game board poster included in the purchasable “Blister Album”. They measure about 5cm wide, and are made of thin plastic (or plastic-coated card). Game instructions are covered in the album. Special insert Shells can be used with another purchasable accessory, the “Movie Box”, combined with a proprietary smartphone app to generate hologram images.

Star Wars Cosmic Shells have been released in other territories (Europe), but these NZ iterations all come with Countdown branding and local contact addresses/details. Countdown supermarkets have a dedicated webpage with more details, and the associated merchandise can be viewed here.

Check out all of our Cosmic Shell content here.

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